Friday 8 February 2013

雇用延長 (Extension of employment)


1) 海外から労働者を輸入する
2) シニアの労働者を確保する



Today's Nikkei newspaper reported a few cases where Japanese big firms proposed a revised salary system to cope with the extension of the employment in the context of aging society. Japan has been already facing an issue of diminishing younger labour force and this will leave us two solutions:

1) Source labour force internationally
2) Source aged population

Given the above context, it is a realistic approach that the government has decided to enforce the extension of employment until 65 years old. This has limited impact to Japanese branches of foreign based companies because the size is relatively small (small to medium size) and few people work until the retirement age in foreign based companies. However, this is a big issue to Japanese large firms.

This is an issue on a macro basis. I think that it is useful to provide a place for exchange where HR professionals can share the policies and practices across companies.


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Two advocacies

 みなさんは、「advocacy」という英語の単語をご存知でしょうか? もともとは、 動詞の「advocate」から派生した単語です。「advocate」とは「代弁する」という意味です。「advocacy」は代弁、代弁者という意味になります。 HRにはふたつの「advocacy」...